Your First Visit
We love helping children develop a genuine love for Jesus, building their lives on the truth of God's Word, connecting in meaningful friendships, and discovering their purpose at a young age.
Our team will be waiting at the first-time check-in station where you can tell us a little about your family. To prepare ahead of time, you can fill out the New Family Pre-Registration Form.

What to Expect
What Is Life Kids?
We want your kids to grow up loving to go to church, so we make Life Kids a safe place where every child birth through fifth grade can have a blast while learning about the Bible. That’s why we are committed to creating safe and fun environments where your children are taught a spiritual foundation centered around their Bible and age-appropriate kids services. Our ultimate hope is to see a generation of children come to know God personally.
At Life Kids, We Value...
Safety - We understand that it's a big deal to leave your kids with someone. So we are committed to a system that creates a safe environment. You can rest assured that all Life Kids leaders have been trained, background checked, and ready to care for your little world changers.
Fun - Teaching children the love of Jesus in a safe and secure environment is our primary focus, however expect to see kid-inspired fun in every service through energetic worship music and interactive games. Our team feel’s called to share the love of Jesus with kids, and every Sunday they help bring excitement and enjoyment to your child’s church experience.
Family - We work together with parents to help teach their children our core values. Our goal is to partner with families by giving them resources to spark conversation that will help develop future leaders and disciples of Jesus.
“Start children off on the way they should go and
when they are old they will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6