Our Purpose
We exist to help people know God, grow stronger, discover purpose, and make an impact.
Our Vision
Habakkuk 2:2-3 (MSG) And then God answered: "Write this. Write what you see. Write it out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run. This vision-message is a witness pointing to what's coming..."

We See A Church
Of 25,000 SF that will offer irresistible environments to serve as an intersection for our church and community to connect seven days a week through a 5-day-a-week early learning center, state-of-the-art conference/worship center, full-service kitchen, event space with breakout rooms, A/V suites, and counseling center.
We See A Church
Compelled by God's vision to be bold and innovative and to do whatever it takes to reach spiritually lost and unchurched people in Lake Nona and beyond with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.
We See A Church
Where unchurched people feel "at home" because of our warm, friendly environments designed for all ages. A place where modern, life-giving worship is engaging, and Biblical messages are Monday morning practical to everyday life.
We See A Church
That is fun for every member of the family. A church where children want to go because they have a great time experiencing God's love in a safe, fun, and creative environment designed just for them.
We See A Church
That is committed to building strong families. A place where couples can find hope and how-to's for their marriage and parents are encouraged and equipped to raise spiritually strong kids.
We See A Church
Where teenagers find love and acceptance in a culturally relevant environment that helps them discover who they are in Christ and how much they matter to God.
We See A Church
Where adults and students are committed to doing life together through small groups that meet regularly for Bible study, prayer, community, and accountability. Groups where needs are met and effectiveness multiplied.
We See A Church
Where single adults can experience the unconditional love and acceptance of Christ. A place where Christ-centered relationships are found, true identity is discovered, and purpose fulfilled.
We See A Church
Where every believer is engaged in ministry by using their spiritual gifts and abilities to strengthen the church's effectiveness in meeting needs in our community and beyond.
We See A Church
That has a national and global impact through strategic mission partners, digital outreach, family conferences, and resource development to impact people's lives with the life-changing message of Jesus.

1. Love For God Is Our Passion
Matthew 22:37
2. People Are Our Heart
Luke 19:10
3. Excellence Is Our Spirit
Colossians 3:23
4. Positive Is Our Attitude
Philippians 2:5
5. Honor Is Our Calling
Romans 12:10
6. Generosity Is Our Way
Luke 6:38
7. Servant Leadership Is Our Identity
Mark 10:45
8. Family is Our Foundation
Joshua 24:15