Run to Win:

Lessons on Life and Leadership from Gods Greatest Messengers

The Bible is filled with messengers who ran with urgency to deliver life-changing news. Some ran toward their calling, while others ran away. Some ran to proclaim victory, while others ran to warn of danger. But all had a message to carry—and so do we.

Join us for “Run to Win”, a 7-week journey through the stories of God’s greatest messengers. Each week, we’ll uncover powerful life and leadership lessons that will challenge us to overcome obstacles, step into our calling, and run the race of faith with courage, urgency, and endurance.

Are you ready to run your race and carry God’s message to the world?

March 9: (Daylight Savings)

Week 1: The Heralds – Run with Urgency (Hebrews 12:1; 1 Corinthians 9:24-27)

March 16: (Baptism Sunday)

Week 2: John the Baptist – Run to Prepare the Way (Mark 1:1-8; John 1:19-34)

March 23:

Week 3: Jonah – Run from Fear to Faith (Jonah 1-3)

March 30:

Week 4: The Samaritan Woman – Run to Tell Your Story (John 4:28-30, 39-42)

April 6:

Week 5: Philip – Run to the One (Acts 8:26-40)

April 13: (Palm Sunday)

Week 6: Mary Magdalene – Run to Tell: The Message of Hope

(John 20:1-18; Matthew 28:1-10)

April 20th: (Easter Sunday)

Week 7: Jesus – The Ultimate Messenger Who Finished the Race

(Hebrews 12:2-3; Luke 19:10)

Join us in person or on YouTube

9:30 & 11:00 AM